How Your Recruiter Can Help You During COVID-19

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How Your Recruiter Can Help You During COVID-19

  • Publish Date: almost 5 years ago
  • Author:by The ONE Group

We might not be flooding your inbox with dream job specs right now, but there are numerous ways in which we as recruitment experts can help...

​2020 has brought us many challenges, and ‘firsts’ as we embark on adjusting to living in this new norm of overcoming COVID-19. It would be fair to question the benefit you might get from a recruiter during a time when hiring is possibly not at the top of many organisations lists.

Here are a few reasons why using a recruiter could be invaluable during our current pandemic.

​Career Support  

Your job search might be temporarily interrupted - but it is most definitely not cancelled, and whilst job searches are still happening, we are still here to offer guidance. If you’re one step ahead of the competition when all this blows over? Well, you know what that means for your job search! Whatever the question, our consultants will try to help the best they can remotely. 

​CV & LinkedIn Profile Improvement Support 

It’s easy to forget to update your CV regularly in the hustle and bustle of juggling everyday life, but it is so important to find time to do so. We’re nothing more than a phone call or email away to offer remote support on improving your CV, or LinkedIn profile to showcase the key skills employers are seeking so that when an opportunity does present itself you will be prepared.

Virtual Interview Preparation 

Whilst some industries have halted their recruitment activities, others are booming. Whether you are trying to prepare for your upcoming video or telephone interview, our consultants can provide guidance on question types, and answering questions whether it be a competency or strength-based interview. 

Webinars and Personal Development Opportunities

Companies across the world are adapting their business models to ensure they are best placed to offer great value through this storm. There’s news of a Scottish whisky distiller switching production to hand sanitiser; fine dining restaurants across the country are moving to home delivery services – and we are no different. We are running a number of webinars to support all of our clients and candidates at this time, to include: health and wellbeing, coaching teams remotely and juggling working from home and home schooling, amongst others. We can also point you in the right direction of free courses, training and other opportunities to add value to your CV whilst you have some time to do so.

Market and Industry Insights 

Whilst some companies may not be hiring right now, their hiring managers are still planning headcount for their teams. A trusted recruiter with good relationships will be in constant contact with recruitment decision-makers throughout this pandemic, even if this is via video link from the comfort of their dining rooms rather than face-to-face at their offices. We have a unique overview across our divisions (Accountancy & Finance, Human Resources, Information Technology, Marketing, Office Support, and Technical) allowing us to offer full and thorough insight into current market conditions and give you up-to-date information on industry-specific topics in the coming weeks and months.

We understand the issues faced by our clients and candidates and we will continue to remain a reliable and trusted recruitment partner whilst offering support outside of recruitment processes, too.

You probably know this already, but talking is what we do - and never before has communication been more important. So grab a coffee, give us a call and tell us how we can help.