Conducting 1 to 1's Remotely

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Conducting 1 to 1's Remotely

  • Publish Date: almost 5 years ago
  • Author:by Catherine Wallis

It’s important not to neglect the developmental conversations we have with our employees whilst participating in social distancing measures.

​1 to 1’s give employees and team members the opportunity to have an open conversation with you, that may not typically be possible on a day-to-day basis. This allows you to hear out any concerns that could potentially contribute to your team’s overall success, and strengthen your relationship by building increased trust and understanding. Whether this is through monthly, or yearly check-ins – you should still be able to connect and conduct these reviews virtually through video calls.

Whilst we have been taking every day as it comes under lockdown it could be easy to neglect having these important conversations with our employees, which is why we break down how to conduct 1 to 1's remotely in this guide. 

Set a date and time in advanced

Working remotely under lockdown measures, means many are sharing their workspace with others. It may not always be convenient to pick up a call. Talk to your employee and set a date and time in advance that is suitable for both of you, with a clear meeting purpose.

​Set a clear meeting purpose

Setting a clear purpose to your meeting beforehand gives your employee the ability to openly think about anything they may want to raise. It can also be less intimidating if the purpose is known, causing less stress in wondering why they have been invited to a 1 to 1.

​Use video call

Although it may not always be possible, when conducting a 1 to 1 remotely – a video call is the correct way to go. This is because it allows you to visually see how they are feeling and responding throughout the conversation, unlike a phone call, where it can be less obvious how someone is responding throughout a conversation.

​Actively listen

It can be easy to get swept up in talking about ‘I’ – your own feelings and views. Remember to listen to what your employee or team member is trying to say. It’s crucial to give them the chance to speak or it could potentially leave them feeling dissatisfied with the overall outcome of the meeting.

Build rapport

We can all get caught up in talking solely about work, especially when your 1 to 1 is to discuss a workplace matter but remember to time to talk about things non-work related. Remote life can be a daunting time for many, so asking how your team members are, is important for their wellbeing, and work performance.

Be positive

Although you may need to talk through some serious topics, it’s important to leave the meeting on a positive note. Talk about how you appreciate their work, and efforts – even more so as they are trying to juggle home and work life. This could be the motivation they need to keep going and engaging in their work. It’s easy to forget to say ‘thank you’ but this could help build your rapport further.

If you have any more questions on how to effectively conduct 1 to 1's remotely, in our virtual world - get in touch with us today.