IT Support: The Unsung Heroes of Lockdown

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IT Support: The Unsung Heroes of Lockdown

  • Publish Date: over 4 years ago
  • Author:by Andrew Clarke

IT Support & Infrastructure Consultant, Andy Clarke, is excited about Christmas... but even more excited about IT Support getting the recognition it deserves!

So here we again. Lockdown 2.0 to close out 2020, with a view of saving Christmas.

But it’s not all doom and gloom. The government are doing their bit to help with further furlough payments, we are getting ever closer to a vaccine and it’s nearly CHRISTMAS! So start shortlisting your favourite family members for the festivities, because it looks like you're going to have to whittle it down to your top two.

I’d start by weighing up their pros and cons; my screening criteria as follows:

•Who makes the best dessert

•Best stocking filler (Linx Africa or days of the week socks and you will never get invited again!)

•Dad jokes that can rival any Christmas cracker (punnier the better)

•Won’t take all my pigs in blankets

If you tick three of the four, then you are in!

All jokes aside, with the recent setback of a second national lockdown, we haven’t seen anywhere near the amount of knee jerk reactions from businesses; in fact it’s quite the opposite.

I recruit in the IT Support sector and we are as busy as we have been all year, with companies continuing to increase headcount and even reporting record quarters. It's actually so inspiring to hear every week of businesses that are so proud of how they have tackled the pandemic that they want to shout about it - and I would too!

The IT Support candidates I have been speaking with over the past six or seven months are still upbeat; not only are they everyone’s best friend right now but everyone is truly seeing the benefits and importance of having a great IT department. And we're beginning to see just how valued they really are!

Some companies simply can’t trade with no IT and those meetings that really need to happen can still take place thanks to platforms such as Microsoft Teams and "You're still on mute!" Zoom. A lot of these IT Support professionals are being contacted about other opportunities as companies dive into the realms of working from home for the first time. Which (incidentally) is also helping candidates consider options further afield now that commute times are cut down, adding in flexibility to childcare and other commitments.

So there is plenty to be positive about - even if you have been unfortunate enough to find yourself out of work as a result of the pandemic. Be prepared to step outside your comfort zone; take a so called “side-step” move in your career even. Consider interim or temporary work; perhaps a 6-12 month fixed term contract or temp role within a booming business. You never know what can come from temporary, contract or interim work and there's likely to be a business near you that could really do with your expertise right now.

For more information on interim roles within IT, get in touch with us today.