The benefits of taking on a Professional Interim whilst waiting for your permanent hire

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Benefits of a Professional Interim
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The benefits of taking on a Professional Interim whilst waiting for your permanent hire

  • Publish Date: over 2 years ago
  • Author:by Megan Russell

We've seen a rise in organisations seeking professional interim placements to help maintain consistency during their permanent recruitment process.

Professional interims are known for their highly successful career in becoming an integral part of companies; those who are in immediate need of an experienced individual whilst a permanent solution can be found.

Your permanent staff will always be the backbone of your workforce. But, the traditional workplace is evolving where temporary and professional interims play a greater role alongside permanent employees.

In our experience, engaging with a professional interim can be of great benefit to organisations, for several reasons:

1. Quick to get started

A key benefit of professional interims is their ability to hit the ground running. Organisations are able to tap into the high level of their expertise, gained from different roles held across a wide variety of industries.

So, instead of waiting to find a permanent hire, companies can bring in a professional interim quickly, getting them up to speed within days. And as a result, businesses can see an impact almost immediately from their work. This helps minimise the impact caused when losing an employee.

2. Achieve goals

Professional interims are often much clearer in their approach and purpose and can prioritise what must be achieved within a set and agreed timeline. They have often gained sufficient experience to have a proven ability in achieving similar goals and objectives.

3. Broader skill-set

Organisations often gain access to a much broader skill set, which professional interims are often happy to provide, meaning companies often gained much more than they expected from their interim hire.

This often opens the door to more project-based work, accessing skills that weren’t available in-house to deliver specific projects that may have been put on hold.

Professional interims provide flexibility for businesses as they bring in the right skills at the right time and for as long as needed.

4. Keeping up with demand

Professional interims allow businesses the ability to increase or decrease employee numbers based on the present demands of the current climate. More control can then be achieved with employee costs and morale. Companies can rapidly staff up in response to customer demand while at the same time lightening the load for current employees who might be stretched.

5. New ideas

Professional interims keep up-to-date on current trends or best practice standards and are able to apply what they have learned from previous employments. The views and decisions of permanent employees can be influenced by internal factors while professional interims are able to provide a fresh perspective and new ideas.

6. Daily rate

Most professional interims prefer to get paid on a daily rate. This has a positive impact as it results in companies only paying for the days that the Professional Interim work and not having to pay for holidays or sickness. This also means that companies won't result in losing any of the non-refundable lump sum fees should for any reason the candidate not work out.

The benefit of hiring professional interims

In short, this flexible approach allows businesses to react quickly and effectively to both internal and external challenges and makes it possible to bring in the right people at the right time. Incorporating professional interims into your recruitment plans could offer key benefits to businesses.

Contact one of our recruiters today to discuss how hiring a professional interim can benefit your business. ​

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