Why use a recruitment agency? The business benefits

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Why use a recruitment agency? The business benefits

  • Publish Date: over 2 years ago
  • Author:by Melanie Bell

We know that recruiting new employees can be a costly and time-consuming process that can eat up a lot of your internal resources. As companies are always on the lookout for the best of the best it can be tricky for internal departments to ensure a continual flow of top talent into your business – as well as ensuring the new hires are able to fit in with the workplace culture of your organisation.

In many cases, we’re seeing organisations utilise our specialist support for their recruitment needs. And using us as their dedicated recruitment company to identify and attract talent and negotiate terms. This approach relieves the pressure of the recruitment process from our clients so they can find the people they need and secure their services within budget.

So, what are the benefits of using a recruitment agency to help recruit new talent?

1. Identifying talent

One of the biggest benefits of using us as your recruitment agency is that we are specialists across seven divisions. Our consultants focus on specific sectors, allowing them to help you find the best talent in the market.

Because of this, we’re able to learn about your requirements and goals and have the knowledge to find the right candidates that are available in your required location(s).

We will always provide suitable candidates - those who we know will be perfect for you but also, where you will offer the perfect opportunity for them. Sometimes the ideal person for the role may not actively be looking but would be open to discussions if the right opportunity is presented.

Our specialist recruitment consultants have a strong network of candidates, so we know who is looking, how capable they are, and what salary expectations they have. This means we can source talented individuals who are capable of doing the job you require them to do.

2. Advertise roles

Sometimes the right candidate isn’t aware of the opportunity you have and so they don't apply for the job - simply because they haven't seen the job advert. That’s where we come in!

The benefit of using us is that we don't only advertise your vacancies, but we actively seek out the professionals who fit your job description.

We will make direct contact with talented individuals we know, having helped them find a job in the past, and invite them to apply for the role.

3. Negotiating

Before entering salary negotiations, we can assist you with benchmarking salaries against other businesses in your industry and location, and can provide valuable resources, like our Salary Guide which provides an insight into current trends.

As we’re actively involved in the hiring process we can also negotiate on behalf of both parties and agree on a mutually acceptable package. If both parties are aware of the other's expectations from the outset, we find, it ensures a desired outcome.

4. Interview candidates

Did you know that we can also conduct interviews on your behalf which can save you time and money?

Our recruitment consultants will undertake a candidate screening process (either over the phone or on teams) to narrow down the applicants for your role. This allows our consultants to learn more about the candidates' skills and experience to eliminate any unsuitable applicants. We can also offer you a service where we can add questions to a pre-recorded first-stage interview. You can then use this to screen CVs before shortlisting for the next stage and get a feel for each candidate and the way they responded to the questions.

We also conduct background checks on every candidate that is invited to an interview, saving you time so your HR department doesn't have to.

Our team of consultants can also support your hiring process by advising you on the best interview questions and tasks to consider – ensuring your hiring process is not too long and doesn’t lose you the best talent to a competitor!

5. Professional Interims

We’re also able to identify professional interims to temporarily fill permanent roles. You may find you need urgent cover for an absent employee, long-term sick leave, or someone who may have left at short notice.

Sometimes our clients find that they don’t have the internal staff or resources for their current workload or for a new project. We can help! We have professional interims who are able to hit the ground running and get stuck in, meaning there is no time wasted getting these professionals up to speed.

You don’t have to go it alone when it comes to recruitment. The benefit of using The ONE Group is that we’re able to help your business to access the skills and experience you need, so it’s one less thing for you to worry about.

Need our support? Email jobs@theonegroup.co.ukor call 01733 234000.

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