Will you be treated fairly as a Temp?

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Will you be treated fairly as a Temp?

  • Publish Date: about 2 years ago
  • Author:by Siân Cox

One of the biggest questions that gets asked within the field of temporary work is: ‘Will you be treated fairly?”

The answer is YES.

As a temporary worker, you have rights!

From the very beginning of your placement, you have the right to use any shared facilities and services provided by your employer including:

  • Canteen or food & drinks machines

  • Workplace creche or mother & baby room

  • Car parking or transport services (e.g. Local pick-up service or transport between sites)

There are specific practices in place for temporary workers to protect you as an employee, ensuring you are paid fairly and treated equally in comparison to permanent employees.

As of October 2011, a bill was introduced called the Agency Workers Regulation, commonly known as ‘AWR’. This bill ensures that after 12 weeks of being in a temporary placement, AWR kicks in to ensure that the temporary worker's rights match that of their permanent counterparts, this includes:

  • ‘Equal pay’ – Temp candidates will receive the same pay as their permanent colleagues who do the same role

  • Automatic pension enrolment

  • Paid annual leave

So, the long and short of it is, YES you will be treated fairly!

For more information on becoming a temp, please call Siân at The ONE Group on 01223 237888 or pop an e-mail to scox@theonegroup.co.uk