Top tips for handing in and working your notice

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Top tips for handing in and working your notice

  • Publish Date: almost 2 years ago
  • Author:by Sundeep Kaur

​Handing in your notice and working your notice period can be daunting, but with the right approach, it can be a positive experience for both you and your employer. In this blog, we will discuss some tips on how to handle handing your notice in and then on working your notice period in a supportive and professional manner.

How to Hand in Your Notice Effectively

Before you hand in your notice, make sure you have thought through your decision carefully. It's important to be sure that leaving your job is the right decision for you. Once you have made your decision, plan when and how you will give notice. Usually, a written letter is the best way to hand in your notice. Make sure to include the date you plan to leave and thank your employer for the opportunity to work with them.

Remain professional: When handing in your notice, it's important to remain professional and courteous. Avoid being negative or critical of the company or your colleagues. Keep your resignation letter brief, to the point, and professional.

Check your contract: You need to look through your contract to see if you have a notice period. If you have a contractual notice period, make sure you abide by it. Notice periods differ for companies and level of job role but are usually one month. The notice period gives your employer time to plan for your departure and begin the process of finding a replacement. Your employer will provide you with your exact leave date which may take into account unused holidays etc.

Be prepared for a counter-offer: Your employer may try to persuade you to stay by offering a better salary or working conditions. Be prepared for this possibility and consider your options carefully before making a decision.

Ask for a reference: Before you leave, ask your employer if they would be willing to provide you with a reference.

How to Effectively Work Your Notice Period

Keep your colleagues informed: Let your colleagues know that you are leaving and thank them for their support during your time with the company. Offer to help with the transition process and be willing to train your replacement if necessary.

Tie up loose ends: Make sure to tie up any loose ends before you leave. Complete any outstanding projects and hand over any responsibilities to your replacement.

Maintain confidentiality: Don't discuss your new job or plans with colleagues during your notice period. It's important to maintain confidentiality and remain professional until your last day.

Be open to feedback: During your notice period, be open to feedback from your employer and colleagues. This can help you improve your skills and make your transition to a new job easier.


Handing in your notice can be a difficult experience, but with the right approach, it can be a positive one. By being professional and courteous when handing in your notice and maintaining the same level of professionalism during your notice period, you can leave your current job on a positive note and make a smooth transition to your next career move.