Be Productive While Commuting

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Be Productive While Commuting

  • Publish Date: over 1 year ago
  • Author:by Katherine Pearl

With the average UK employee spending over 60 minutes a day commuting to work - how do you make the most of your travel time?

No matter how hard you try to avoid delays, accidents, or your means of transport breaking down - it's often unavoidable.

The average UK employee's commute time has increased over the past decade. Whether you work in the hustle and bustle of central London to the Midlands - travel times are increasing everywhere. Whilst some put this down to poor transport infrastructure, others point to an influx in house pricing, making it harder to live close to the office. 

Three ways to make your travel time more productive

With car commuters reporting higher levels of stress, and low job satisfaction (Harvard Business Review), and 1 in 4 employees leaving their roles because of the commute  - we've collated a list of things to do during your commute to increase your happiness and overall productivity!

Create a daily to-do list 

Use the time you have to set your top, realistic goals to complete for the day. It can help boost your productivity and allow you to stay focused on getting everything that needs to be done - done. Research highlights that getting into the right mindset before work could help boost productivity throughout the day. 

Listen to a podcast or audiobook

Listening to podcasts is an amazing way to break up your time. Not only do they allow you to easily digest information while multitasking, but they can be a great way to stimulate your mind on topics you've been eager to learn more about. Whether it's related to skills you want to develop in work, or not - there's a podcast for literally everything. Tune intoTOGCast, our very own Podcast for some interesting topics!

Catch up with people 

As our lives get busier, it can be difficult to keep up-to-date with friends and family. Research by the University of Chicago highlights that social interactions during a commute are likely to lead to a more positive commuting experience. If you aren't driving, you could use your travel time to make those overdue phone calls, reply to messages, or even catch up with your work emails. 

Want to avoid the commute altogether?

If your commute has got you down, and you are looking for work closer to home - we could help you find the role that suits you, and reduce your travel time.