Engaging Generation Z through Content and Video Marketing

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Engaging Generation Z through Content and Video Marketing

  • Publish Date: over 1 year ago
  • Author:by Sarah Dean

​Marketers, talent and employer brand professionals alike need to be alert when it comes to major digital trends and social media strategies.

Digital natives don’t know the world without social media or the internet, and love video engagement. Unlike Generation X, the younger audience doesn’t engage with written content easily, it is seen as dull in comparison to visual learning, which continues to capture their attention. But stay with me for this one…

A report posted by Pearson (a Digital Education Company) based on “The Next Generation of Learners” provided a survey that highlighted 82% of Generation Z chose YouTube as their preferred way to learn alongside social media. This consumption is not only pre-recorded content either. Video is now a variety of one-to-one (personalised messages or customer communication), Vlogs (a current movement in content marketing), Live Streaming (events or exhibitions,) and even Virtual Reality. All these marketing methods tend to retain viewers longer than pre-recorded video and are most popular on social media; a place where most consumers log on to watch videos. More importantly, it is content captured on experiences that is exciting to share on social platforms.

Brands want to attract and engage with younger audiences and grow with Generation Z. What some brands have yet to understand is that incorporating video can help them include other subtle marketing methods. Generation Z are widely inspired by influencers, a big attraction on Instagram and YouTube. Many influencers have drawn large audiences from Generation Z. How? They are giving them content they want to see! A 10-second video of them representing a brand or an image with a short, informative caption. It is an interactive, visual, clear, and a genuine campaign that young audiences love. Why not get influencers involved with your brand?

At The ONE Group, I introduced LinkedIn vlogs into the Marketing Division. I create video content to reach our target audience by communicating current roles we are advertising or introducing candidates who are looking for a new role. Since posting the vlogs, there has been more recognition for our brand, with us receiving comments like ‘You are the company with the apprentice that does the videos!’. It has proved how popular and engaging video consumption is and the power of social media.

How have you embraced video content?