Why Your Cost-Per-Hire Matters

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Why Your Cost-Per-Hire Matters

  • Publish Date: over 1 year ago
  • Author:by Katherine Pearl

Cost per hire is the total sum of money needed to take on a new employee into your organisation. Including everything from internal to external costs. It is one of the most frequently used recruiting metrics, varying from business to business (depending on organisational size, infrastructure, and specific needs).

Whilst understanding this metric is a bonus for improving the efficiency of your HR department, poor planning can potentially lead to bad hires, for example; according to REC a mid-manger with a £42,000 salary can cost the business over £132,000 if hired poorly, as a result of HR departments cutting corners in trying to find the ‘right’ employee.

Four ways we can help reduce your cost-per-hire

1. Effectively utilise your HR function's time

The time and money spent managing potential hires is unknown. It is estimated that around 90-95% of companies underestimate how long hiring new employees really takes. From initial candidate conversations to exploring references and vetting CVs – using a recruitment agency like The ONE Group allows your HR function to take back time from the hiring process and focus more on other HR functionalities. Our specialist consultants are here to guide each candidate through the recruitment process and have time to invest in their journey with your company.

2. Eliminate the need to purchase exclusive recruitment technology

Sourcing skilled employees with the ability to meet the gaps in your organisation is competitive and difficult, which is why more and more organisations are investing in technology to aid their recruitment process. With a staggering 15% of all HR costs attributed to recruitment – using a recruitment agency allows your organisation to invest in what matters most to you, rather than costly application tracking systems, that recruitment agencies like The ONE Group live and breathe daily.

3. Take away the need to train your employees on specialist recruitment technology

To gain the best out of recruitment systems - it’s essential HR departments are comfortable and confident in their use. Along with the monetary value of investing in such systems, the time and money associated with training employees to use these specialist technologies could be better spent elsewhere in the department.

4. Consideration of unforeseen circumstances

It is estimated that 85% of HR decision-makers own up to making a bad hire. We understand that not all candidates work out, that’s why The ONE Group’s rebate terms mean that we will offer you a free replacement or a percentage of the fee back, should your chosen candidate not work out in their first few weeks.

If you’re interested in understanding more about how our recruitment works, get in touch with us today info@theonegroup.co.uk.