Exclusive Recruitment Case Study

Marketing Assistant (Automotive Industry)

Client Background

Recruiting for a Marketing Assistant had become a challenging task for our client’s Group Marketing team, a leading player in the automotive industry.

Despite efforts to source candidates through online platforms like Indeed, they struggled to find individuals who met the role's requirements and the company's culture. Frustrated by the inefficiency of the recruitment process, they sought a solution to streamline their talent acquisition efforts and identify candidates who were not just qualified but also a cultural fit.

Recognising the need for a more effective recruitment approach, the client partnered with us due to our reputation for personalised and efficient services. This collaboration connected them with one of our dedicated marketing recruitment specialists, who played a pivotal role in improving their talent acquisition strategy.


Inundated with unsuitable applicants from
online advertisements

Time-consuming recruitment process

Growing need for talent within the team

How we added value

High-quality candidates

Efficiency and speed

Enhanced candidate experience

Successful hire

Our Approach

Our dedicated marketing recruitment specialist thoroughly understood the client's requirements, including key traits, behaviours, and cultural fit criteria essential for the Marketing Assistant role. Leveraging industry expertise, we tailored the recruitment process to align with the client's needs, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience.

We prioritised quality over quantity, sparing the client's hiring team from sifting through inappropriate applications. Utilising targeted sourcing techniques and rigorous candidate screenings, we identified individuals who met the job requirements and showed the potential to excel within the company's dynamic environment.

Did We Meet Expectations?

The partnership with our dedicated recruitment specialist delivered improvements in the client's talent acquisition efforts…

High-Quality Candidates

Candidates aligned with the company's values and vision were put forward, ensuring both qualification and cultural fit.

Enhanced Candidate Experience

Candidates enjoyed a professional recruitment journey, positively impacting the client's employer brand and creating a positive candidate experience.

Efficiency and Speed

The streamlined recruitment process reduced time-to-hire and relieved the hiring team's load, allowing them to focus on their core responsibilities.

Successful Hire

With our expertise and support, the client successfully recruited a Marketing Assistant who integrated quickly and contributed to departmental growth.

How The Placement Added Value

Having a quality Marketing Assistant in place was crucial for our client's Group Marketing team. They bring fresh perspectives, skills, and enthusiasm, enhancing the team's capabilities and contributing to the achievement of marketing goals. As the marketing team's roles and responsibilities evolve with everchanging trends, having the right people within the team provides confidence in their ability to drive marketing initiatives forward effectively.

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